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040 Thursday, February 12, 2009
It seems that the economy is the topic of discussion every where you go.  For eight years we’ve been coming to the same place for vacation.  Topics generally center on who’s here this year, improvements made or not made to the property, family, work, and what’s coming up in the next year.  This year those conversations are all about the economy – who has lost their job, what company is failing, how empty the restaurants and stores are compared to years past, what’s happening in our home towns, and what’s happening in Congress.  Knowing that everyone is facing the same issues and concerns that we are at home makes them no less difficult.

Contrary to the opinion of some, the Boards of Selectmen and Finance are not “in mass confusion” regarding spending priorities.  We know the needs and, in fact, are very clear about them.  The struggle comes in balancing those many needs with the ability and willingness of our residents to afford them.  As the Board of Selectmen discussed, it’s very difficult to ask those who are taking pay cuts, getting laid off, losing their homes, or facing uncertain futures to “pay more.”  The Board of Finance is equally concerned.  Yet, we have a 27 year-old fire truck that needs to be replaced.  We are faced almost daily with another vehicle or equipment repair or failure.  The snow continues to fall.  Roads need repair.  Buildings need maintenance.  And, like in your homes, the list goes on.

We all know that the months ahead are going to contain very difficult and painful decisions as President Obama stated so clearly on Monday night.  And we’re prepared to do so.  But, it is critical that we hear from you before and as we move forward.  That’s why the Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen, and Board of Education are joining together on February 18th at 6:30 p.m. at Colchester’s Community Forum to listen to you.  Michael Puscas will moderate a discussion about what’s important to you.  Please join us at the Bacon Academy cafeteria.  Childcare for school-age children will be provided by volunteers from the staff of the Colchester Public Schools and the Bacon Academy
National Honor Society from 6:30-8:30 PM. ~~Parents are asked to pack a healthy snack and activity for their children. Also, please be sure to take a minute and fill out the survey that will be posted at following the Community Forum.  Let us know your priorities.

In the end, it is the responsibility of the three boards to make the difficult decisions involved in crafting a budget to bring to the voters of Colchester.  We are prepared to do so and thank you for your ideas, participation, and support.  Colchester is a strong community.  Together we will help each other and work our way through our challenges.

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